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You'd like to contribute to Agorakit? Thank you! There are many ways to contribute. Whether you have an hour a day or an hour a month, help is really appreciated!


  • Talk about the project to people who might need it
  • Add or improve translations
  • Write end-users documentation

Technical Support

  • Install it for non-technical folks
  • Improve the website
  • Support existing users on the Agorakit shared server
  • Support folks with technical issues to help define bugs.
  • Send an email if you use the tool or are considering it. We love feedback! (info (at)


  • Check out open issues and projects to initiate. We use trunk-based development.
  • Backend developers with Laravel experience: add new features, fix bug, write tests, document everything. I happily accept pull requests if they pass unit tests and follow the project philosophy.
  • Frontend developers with Laravel experience: Help make the UI brilliant. Fix UX as you see fit. I happily accept pull requests if they pass unit tests and follow the project philosophy. We don't want the project to become a one-page app powered by the latest "à la mode" Javascript framework.
  • Let's talk in the issue queue first if your idea involves big changes. Create a new issue if you want to discuss something in the roadmap.
  • Want to propose a change to the roadmap? Create a pull request to solicit comments.


  • Consider donating to help me work on it.
  • Help me find ways to financially support the project (sponsorship, public subsidies, etc.)
  • Financial support is critical to offering a free hosted version for groups that can't afford to pay.


All work is open source under the AGPLv3. That means anyone who improves the project must make the changes open source as well. We already have thousands of users who might benefit from your help.

Please drop a line to info (at) if you are interested or have any question.