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Trying Agorakit without installation

If you are just looking to give Agorakit a try, you can do that without having to install it. Just create an account on, an Agorakit instance for citizen-activists and for evaluation purposes.

You can also get in touch with the developper if you are interested in managed hosting of a private Agorakit instance. Contact info [at] for more details.

Keep reading if you want to install an Agorakit instance on your own server.


You need a good web hosting provider that provides the following :

  • php >= 8 with the usual extensions
  • Mysql or MariaDb or SQlite
  • Composer
  • Git
  • the ability to run cron jobs
  • ssh access


All those features together are hard to find, so people are obliged to use a VPS and setup everything themselves. This is a riskier proposal if you don't know how it works. We have been very successful with Alwaysdata shared hosting. By the way they host at a reduced fee the free instance of Agorakit.


Currently, you need to know how to install a Laravel application using the command line. This is perfectly standard and documented here :

Clone the repository

git clone

This will create an agorakit directory in the current path.

Create the .env file

All settings are stored in a .env file. This file is not provided in the Git repository, because it is specific to your installation, and because you don't want your configuration to be overwritten when doing an upgrade :-)

Create and edit the configuration file from the example file provided:

cp .env.example .env
nano .env

Nano is a simple text editor available on most servers. Feel free to use something else to edit your .env file.

Setup your database credentials


You need to set at least your database credentials & site name. Check that your database exists and is reachable with those credentials.

APP_ENV=local  // local or production
APP_DEBUG=true // show the debugbar and extended errors or not
APP_KEY=SomeRandomString // will be auto generated
APP_NAME='Agorakit' // name of your application
APP_URL=http://locahost // base url
APP_LOG=daily // log rotation
APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE=en // default locale when not detected from user browser

DB_HOST=localhost // host of your mysql server
DB_DATABASE=agorakit // db name of your sql DB
DB_USERNAME=root // login of mysql
DB_PASSWORD= // password of mysql

CACHE_DRIVER=file // driver to use for caching
SESSION_DRIVER=file // driver to use for storing sessions
QUEUE_DRIVER=sync // driver to use for queues

Setup email sending

You can now configure your mail server. For the mail driver you can use mail to use php built in mail function or smtp to use any smtp server. Choose the right port (on most servers this is 25), host and username / password.

MAIL_DRIVER=mail // driver to use for sending emails. Use mail to use php built-in mail function // hostname if you use smtp for sending mails
MAIL_PORT=2525 // port if you use smtp for sending mails
MAIL_USERNAME=null // login if you use smtp for sending mails
MAIL_PASSWORD=null // password if you use smtp for sending mails
MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null // encryption if you use smtp for sending mails

MAIL_FROM=admin@localhost // from email adress used when sending admin emails
MAIL_FROM_NAME=Agorakit // name of sender of admin emails
MAIL_NOREPLY=noreply@localhost // no reply adress for service messages

MAPBOX_TOKEN=null // Create a Mapbox account and generate a token to enable geolocalisation and display maps


You need a working email server to be able to verify any registered user account. If you cannot verify your user account, you can always set the column verified to 1 inside the users table.

Install the packages

Download all the packages needed:

composer install

Generate a key

php artisan key:generate

This is a very important step since the key is used to generate various tokens and sessions.

Create the tables in the DB

Migrate (create all tables in) the database:

php artisan migrate

Link the storage public folder to the user visible public folder:

php artisan storage:link

Create dummy content

(Optional) Create sample content the database:

php artisan db:seed


Don't do this last step for a production install since it will create an admin user with default password and dummy groups and content.

Setup your web server

You can now setup your web server to serve the /public directory. This is very important, since you don't want to expose the rest of the directories (for example you DON'T want to expose your .env file!)

Setup a cron job

A cron job is a task your server runs at specific intervals to run stuff in the background.

Agorakit needs to periodically do some tasks, like sending email summaries, celaning the DB, remove old versions of content, delete old files, etc...

The script php artisan schedule:run should be run at least every 5 minutes using a cron job.

Follow Laravel cron documentation here :


Without cron job your application will NOT send summaries, clean the DB, remind users of upcoming events, etc. Cron jobs are required for correct opperation.