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What are tags and what are they for?

Classifying content is a science. It's called taxonomy. It can also be hellish, especially when several people are working on the same file.

Where is the last PV? In /first-quarter/meetings/2021 or in /2021/first-quarter/pv? or in admin/pv/2021?

This type of question frequently arises when a group of people file different documents in a hierarchical folder structure. As each person has his or her own filing logic, documents quickly become scattered and very difficult to find.

Agorakit's solution is to use tags (or keywords) to classify content. These consist of simple keywords that can be applied to the content. The advantage is that you can invent a simple vocabulary, possibly limited to a few keywords, and without a hierarchy that would depend too much on the classification logic of each individual.


For example, a PV dated 2021 will simply be tagged PV and 2021 and will be very easy to find later.

Tags can be applied to people, groups, discussions, events and files.

Clicking on a tag allows you to see all other items tagged in the same way.


If you prefer, you can also sort files by folder. A combination of both systems is also possible. It's up to you to see what works best for your group.

Limiting the tags you can use

But tags don't solve everything. If your group is large or you have a lot of content, it's possible that at some point you'll find yourself with too many different, non-standardized tags.

In this case, it's best to think for a moment about which tags are really necessary and to limit the tags available in your group. You can easily do this by going to your group settings (Manage > Tags).

The same goes for users and groups. To standardize people's profiles and, above all, to enable everyone to find someone based on keywords common to all, you can limit the tags usable in user profiles in the Admin > Settings menu.